











每個IB考試都會有評分標準,是以1-7分作判斷,1分為最低、7分為最高。每個分數都會有它代表的意義,下面用IB科目Group 1 (language and literature) 當例子,解釋7分到1分個別的意義:

Grade 7: Demonstrates: excellent understanding and appreciation of the interplay between form and content in regard to the question or task; responses that may be convincing, detailed, independent in analysis,
synthesis and evaluation; highly developed levels of expression, both orally and in writing; very good degree of accuracy and clarity; very good awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; very effective structure with relevant textual detail to support a critical engagement with the thoughts and feelings expressed in the work(s).

Grade 6: Demonstrates: very good understanding and appreciation of the interplay between form and content in regard to the question or task; responses that are, mainly, convincing, as well as detailed and independent to some degree, in analysis, synthesis and evaluation; well-developed levels of expression, both orally and in writing; good degree of accuracy and clarity; good awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; effective structure with relevant textual detail to support a critical engagement with the thoughts and feelings expressed in the work(s).

Grade 5: Demonstrates: good understanding and appreciation of the interplay between form and content in regard to the question or task; responses that offer generally considered and valid analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation; good levels of expression, both orally and in writing; adequate degree of accuracy and clarity; awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; clear structure with relevant textual detail to support an engagement with the thoughts and feelings expressed in the work(s).

Grade 4: Demonstrates: adequate knowledge and understanding of the question or task; responses that are generally valid in analysis and/or synthesis; satisfactory powers of expression, both orally and in writing; few lapses in accuracy and clarity; some awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; a basic structure within which the thoughts and feelings of the work(s) are explored.

Grade 3: Demonstrates: some knowledge and some understanding of the question or task; responses that are only sometimes valid and/or appropriately detailed; some appropriate powers of expression, both orally and in writing; lapses in accuracy and clarity; limited awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; some evidence of a structure within which the thoughts and feelings of the work(s) are explored.

Grade 2: Demonstrates: superficial knowledge and understanding of the question or task; responses that are of generally limited validity; limited powers of expression, both orally and in writing; significant lapses in accuracy and clarity; little awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; rudimentary structure within which the thoughts and feelings of the work(s) are explored.

Grade 1: Demonstrates: very rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the question or task; responses that are of very limited validity; very limited powers of expression, both orally and in writing; widespread lapses in accuracy and clarity; no awareness of context and appreciation of the effect on the audience/reader; very rudimentary structure within which the thoughts and feelings of the work(s) are explored.

不同的IB Group有不同的評分標準,這裡就不一一列舉了,如果想知道每個分數等級的意義是什麼,可以參考官網說明


每所學校獲得IB課程的學分資格可能會有不同,但是大多數的大學課程都會為你的IB成績提供對應的學分,也就是說如果學生有IB文憑,有些大學甚至可以讓你不需要再修一些通識教育(General Education)課。




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