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1. 面試簡介



2. 正式面試 

3. 結尾與問答時間



1. 大學面試

  1. Please introduce yourself.
  2. What are your favorite and least favorite classes, and why?
  3. What are your favorite and least favorite after school activities, and why?
  4. What lessons have you learned from your extracurriculars in high school?
  5. What are you planning to do for the summer?
  6. What local organizations, or extracurriculars are you involved in?
  7. Do you have any fun plans coming up?
  8. What is an issue that you confronted in your personal life or community, and how did it affect you?
  9. What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment or failure so far?
  10. Who inspired you the most in your life?
  11. What is your favorite book?
  12. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
  13. Why are you applying to our university?
  14. What do you plan to get from attending our university?
  15. What do you know about our university and the program that you want to apply to?
  16. How does the university play into your long-term goals?
  17. What can you offer to your peers at our university?
  18. Why do you want to major/minor in your field?
  19. What strengths do you hope to utilize throughout your college experience?
  20. What weaknesses do you hope to strengthen in university?
  21. How did the pandemic affect you?
  22. What are your career goals?
  23. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  24. Are there any outside circumstances that would inhibit your application that you’d like me to know?

2. 獎學金面試

  1. Please introduce yourself.
  2. What organizations or extracurriculars are you involved in?
  3. What do you like to do during your free time?
  4. What do you plan to do for the summer?
  5. What is an issue that you confronted in your personal life or community, and how did it affect you?
  6. How do you usually spend money?
  7. How much money do you wish to get from the scholarship program, and why?
  8. What makes you a good candidate for this scholarship?
  9. How do you plan on using the scholarship money if you win?
  10. What strengths do you hope to utilize with this scholarship?
  11. What weaknesses do you hope to strengthen with this scholarship?
  12. How does what you will use the money for play into your long-term goals?
  13. How did the pandemic affect you and/or our family?
  14. What are your career goals?
  15. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

在準備這些面試問題時,你可以先把自己的答案寫下來,之後詢問父母、老師、朋友或 Ivy-Way 輔導顧問這樣回答好不好。之後就可以開始進行面試練習,只要多練習,正式面試的那天就不會感到緊張了。

Bonus: 面試相關的電子郵件範本


1. 面試前

Hello (Prefix) (Interviewer Name).

My name is (Your Name), and I am an applicant to (University). I am eager to dive deeper into the admissions process and have a few questions for you about life at (University)! I would love to set a time to meet with you to discuss my upcoming endeavors.

I am a prospective (Your Major) student and have found a passion for (Your Desired Career) in prior years. After learning about (University), I have discovered that it may be the perfect place for me to explore my path and begin my coursework as a college student! I am so excited to get this process started, and getting connected with you seems like a wonderful next step.

Do you have any availability in the coming days or weeks to speak with me? I am reachable via this email and can gladly set aside time to discuss with you. I am looking forward to meeting you in the near future, and I thank you for your time!

Thanks again,

– (Your Name)

2. 面試後

Hello (Prefix) (Interviewer Name).

It was wonderful to speak with you about (University), and I appreciate your time spent helping me throughout this process. I am incredibly excited to continue learning about what (University) has to offer and would love to connect with you later to touch base! I am hopeful for good news and will be waiting for an opportunity to connect with more faculty members.

On that note, is there anyone involved in (Major) or (Interest) that I should reach out to in the following days to learn more?

Thanks again!

– (Your Name)



在申請大學時,有一些學校會有面試的環節。在 Ivy-Way,升學顧問會給學生非常全面的面試輔導,跟學生解釋面試的細節跟技巧,並與學生做面試模擬練習,讓學生在面試時有非常耀眼的表現


1. 把這篇文章詳細閱讀幾次,並準備回答文中所有面試題目的答案


2. 把自己回答的過程錄起來,或找朋友一起練習

Ivy-Way 的顧問會與學生練習回答面試的問題,不過如果你只有自己,你可以在準備面試答案之後把你的回答用手機錄影起來,再自己回播看自己表現得如何。自己看自己的錄影可能會感到很尷尬,但這樣你才能知道如何能回答得更好。

3. 找 Ivy-Way 的升學顧問進行面試輔導

Ivy-Way 的顧問中有多位曾經是美國頂尖大學的面試官,像是哈佛跟賓州大學。

如果不確定自己的面試答案合不合適,或者想要更安心的準備面試,那我們真的很建議學生與 Ivy-Way 顧問做面試輔導!面試的完整訓練會包含在 Ivy-Way 升學輔導的全套服務當中的 40 種服務項目之一,但即使學生只想單項選擇 1-2 小時的面試訓練服務,學生還是可以對面試做很完善的準備,讓學生在面試時能脫穎而出!


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