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因疫情影響學生 SAT/ACT 的準備及考試安排,多所大學目前已經宣佈今年將採取 test-optional 政策,不要求學生一定要 SAT/ACT 分數才能申請。目前八所常春藤大學中已經有七所大學宣布今年的考試政策,這裡我們做個整理:

Brown University (布朗大學)

布朗大學在 6/12 做了以下宣布:

大學對 2020-21 申請的學生(11升12年級生)會採取 test-optional (考試選考) 的政策。因疫情而無法考 SAT/ACT 的學生不會因無法遞交 SAT/ACT 成績而影響錄取。如果這是符合你的情況,請在申請表裡提出,我們的入學委員將會完全考量這個情況。如果學生遞交 SAT/ACT 分數,入學委員也會知道學生可能因疫情而無法考更多次。在 Common Application (共通申請表) 裡學生有機會可以提出你今年的計畫如何的受影響,包含考試的計畫。

我們要強調,標化考試一直是我們綜合評估 (holistic admissions) 一位學生時多個條件之一。考試分數可以告訴我們很多資訊,但它只是學生整體故事中的一部分。如果學生可以遞交成績,我們會將學生的情況納入考量。如果學生無法遞交成績,我們會看學生申請表的其他部分,包含成績、課程難度、學校老師在信件中提供的資訊等等,去評估學生的大學學業準備程度。


“For first-year applicants in the 2020-21 admission cycle, Brown is now test-optional. This change is for the 2020-21 academic year only.

Students who are unable to submit SAT or ACT scores this year due to COVID-19 will not be disadvantaged in our admission process. If this describes your situation, please know that your application will receive full consideration by our admission committee. We will continue to review test scores that are submitted, and will also bear in mind that those who do submit scores may not have been able to take the SAT or ACT more than once. There will be an opportunity within the Common Application to share with us how you may have been affected by the events of this year, including telling us how your testing plans were disrupted.

It is important to note that, while standardized testing has long been a component of our holistic admission process, it has always been one among many components that we consider. Testing can be informative, but is only one part of a much larger and more important story about an individual applicant. The SAT or ACT, when submitted, will continue to be considered in the context of all the other information we have about a candidate, and is one of multiple ways in which students may show preparedness for the rigors of Brown. For students who are not able to submit scores this year, we will look to other components of the application, from course grades and curricular rigor to insight from counselors and teachers, to assess academic preparation.

This year has been one of upheaval and uncertainty, and we hope that adopting a test-optional policy for the 2020-21 admission cycle will better enable students to prioritize their health and well-being, and that of their families, as the summer and fall continue to unfold. While the applications that students submit this year will undoubtedly look different than in years past, we remain committed to a thoughtful and thorough holistic review process.”

Brown University. Yiming Chen | Getty Images

Columbia University (哥倫比亞大學)

哥倫比亞大學在 6/12 做了以下宣布:

因 COVID-19 的影響,哥倫比亞大學對申請哥倫比亞文理學院 (Columbia College) 及哥倫比亞大學工程學院 (Columbia Engineering) 的學生採取一年的 考試選考 (test-optional) 政策。

如果學生可以遞交 SAT/ACT 成績,我們鼓勵學生遞交,因為我們相信這個額外資訊會對我們評估學生時有很大的幫助。但因為考試成績不是必要條件,如果學生無法考試、或學生選擇不遞交考試成績,學生不會因此而處於劣勢。我們會用其他遞交的資料及了解學生個別的情況去綜合評估每位學生的學習生涯。學生的課程難度,課業成就,及他們展現的求知慾會持續為我們評估的核心重點。

對可以遞交成績的學生,Columbia 的規則會跟以往相同:申請 Early Decision 的學生可以最晚在11月考 SAT/ACT,申請 Regular Decision 的學生則最晚可以考1月的 SAT/ACT。如果你考多次考試,我們會用你最高的各科分數去評估。我們知道很多學生可能沒有機會考超過一次的 SAT/ACT,我們在評估學生時也會將這個情況納入考量。標準化考試只是我們多層面綜合評估學生的其中一部分。


“Due to ongoing standardized testing disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Columbia is adopting a one year test-optional policy for first-year applicants to Columbia College or Columbia Engineering for the fall of 2021.   

 If students have completed testing and can submit SAT or ACT results, we encourage them to do so as we believe this information can be a valuable addition in our review process. However, testing is no longer a required component for the first-year 2020-2021 application cycle, and students who are unable or choose not to submit test scores will not be disadvantaged. We will continue to evaluate all submitted information within the holistic and contextual review process that considers individual circumstances shaping each applicant’s journey. The rigor of a student’s curriculum, their academic achievement, and their demonstrated intellectual curiosity will remain central to our review.  

For students able or who choose to submit testing, Columbia’s testing policies remain the same. We accept SAT and ACT scores through November test dates for Early Decision applicants and scores through January for Regular Decision applicants. We will continue to accept self-reported scores and only require official testing for enrolling students. If you were able to take an exam more than once, you will be evaluated on the highest score you received in any individual section of that test. Please note that we are aware that many students, if able to test, could only take a test once. As noted above, that context will be taken into consideration should scores be provided. Standardized testing is only one component in a highly contextualized, multi-layered holistic review.”

Columbia University. Education Images | Getty Images

Cornell University (康乃爾大學)

因這個前所未有的情況,在 2021 年八月入學的學生(註:現在11升12年級生)的申請表裡可以不包含 SAT/ACT 考試成績。這項規定適用在 Early Decision 及 Regular Decision 的學生。

對考過或可以考 SAT/ACT 的學生,Cornell 不打算永遠採取 test-optional 政策。我們期待多數學生的考試計畫不會受疫情嚴重干擾,學生還是會有合理的考試機會,所以我們期待他們還是能遞交 SAT/ACT 分數,這可以展現學生是否有準備好能應對大學課業。對 2020-21 年申請的學生,SAT/ACT 對以下學生還是有意義:

  1. 住家附近或就讀的學校會提供 SAT/ACT 考試,或學生住在今年比去年提供更多考試場次的考場附近,以及
  2. 家裡今年沒有因疫情而有顯著的收入短缺。



  • 在高中上具挑戰性的課程及優秀的成績。如果學生因疫情而春季成績給分標準為 pass/fail,學校不會對此有任何負面的解讀。
  • 展現學生持續的求知慾的證據
  • 其他可證明的大學預備或大學課程的成績
  • 申請作文及其他文書
  • 學校顧問及老師提供的見解



The SARS-COV-2 pandemic emergency has led to many SAT and ACT administration cancellations. Due to this extraordinary circumstance, students seeking to enroll at Cornell University beginning in August 2021 can submit their applications without including the results from ACT or SAT exams. This will be true for both the Early Decision and Regular Decision rounds of review.

For those who have taken, or who can take, ACT and SAT exams

Cornell overall has not planned to adopt a test-optional admission policy permanently. As appears to be true at test-optional colleges and universities, we anticipate that many students who will have had reasonable and uninterrupted opportunities to take the ACT and/or SAT during 2020 administrations will continue to submit results, and those results will continue to demonstrate preparation for college-level work.

In Cornell’s review during the 2020-2021 application cycle, results from the ACT or SAT might still be a meaningful differentiator in particular for students who:

  • live near or attend a school that will be open, and where testing will be offered, or who live near a testing center that will be offering more testing seats or dates than they did in 2019; and
  • have not experienced lost income for one or more of their household providers or other significant new hardships and losses during 2020.

We can’t pre-define in absolute, comprehensive terms what economic or personal disruptions will look like. We don’t plan to require any students to justify their reasons for not submitting test results, though we will hope to partner with applicants and their advocates throughout the reading period in order to understand each applicant’s circumstances.

Students who have taken a test, or even more than one test, but would still prefer not to submit those results, can make that choice.

For those who can’t plan for, take, and submit exams

Cornell readers will consider with increased scrutiny their other application documents, looking for different evidence of excellent academic preparation, including:

  • challenging courses and excellent grades in each secondary school (high school) context. Note: there will be no negative interpretation for schools and students who have had only pass/fail or similar grading options during this current term;
  • evidence of commitment and effort to pursuing other challenging learning experiences; 
  • results from other kinds of secondary, college-preparatory, and university-qualifying testing where available and verifiable; 
  • care, craft, and authenticity in their writing submissions; 
  • and wherever practical and available, details, insight, and analysis from secondary school counselors and teachers. 

Applicants with no test results might more often be asked after review has begun for additional evidence of continuing preparation, including grade reports from current senior year enrollment when that can be made available in time for Cornell admission review.”

Cornell University. Kenneth C. Zirkel | Getty Images

Dartmouth College (達特茅斯大學)

Dartmouth 在 6/3 做了以下聲明:

現在起,Dartmouth 會採取一年暫停要求標化考試的政策。對 Class of 2025 (現11升12年級,2021年入學) 的學生將採取 test-optional 政策。


“Optional” (選考) 不是一個整人的詞。它不是在暗示你我們頃向任何一邊。這個政策是針對現在這種情況的對策,讓入學委員能給接下來要申請的焦慮學生的一個保證。學生可以不要擔心考場額滿、因隔離而考試準備中斷等情況。

我們歡迎學生任何願意給我們的成績,包含 SAT、ACT、SAT 科目考、AP,或都不提供。我們不會猜測學生不提供成績的原因。對於想提供 SAT/ACT 成績的學生,我們建議只遞交一次的分數。



“Effective immediately, Dartmouth College is enacting a one-year suspension of our standardized testing requirement for candidates seeking undergraduate admission. Dartmouth College is now test-optional for the Class of 2025. 

In normal circumstances, standardized testing offers useful statistical context for the holistic evaluation of a student’s academic record as well as our essential assessment of preparation for the curriculum we offer. But this moment is not normal. As I noted in an earlier blog post, we promised to adapt our admissions requirements as the situation evolved and as warranted. The situation has evolved, and a policy pause is now warranted. However, our commitment to academic excellence and intellectual curiosity has not changed.

“Optional” is not a trick word. It is not a wink that signals a continued institutional preference for the upcoming admissions cycle. This is not a moment for euphemisms or gimmicks; there should be no parsing of intent with this amended testing policy. It is a clear response to an unprecedented moment that requires admission officers to reimagine some of the elements we have historically required as we reassure anxious students about their upcoming applications. Worries about oversubscribed test sites, anxiety regarding limited registration access and the incongruity of test prep during a quarantine can be set aside.

At Dartmouth, we will welcome any testing element a student chooses to share—the SAT, the ACT, a subject test, an AP score—or none at all. Our admission committee will review each candidacy without second-guessing the omission or presence of a testing element. As with the other optional components of the application—an alumni interview, a peer recommendation—the decision to share testing as an element of holistic review is purely an individual one. For students who wish to submit an SAT or ACT score, we recommend just one test session.

We strongly advise students to focus on the many holistic elements of the application that showcase academic excellence in a more qualitative way. In addition, Dartmouth will not report a testing profile for the Class of 2025 to the campus or national media nor will we share one in our publications or on our website. If the goal is to “reduce anxiety for students,” let’s reduce the spotlight on testing during these uncertain times. Test prep and multiple test sessions are not good uses of a student’s time, money, or emotional energy during an ongoing public health crisis.”

Dartmouth College. Cheryl Senter/Bloomberg | Getty Images

Harvard University (哈佛大學)

哈佛大學在 6/15 發布公告:

大學允許 Class of 2025 (2021 年入學) 的學生遞交申請表時不遞交標準化考試分數。我們相信這個暫時的調整可以減輕學生這段時間所需要經歷的困難。

在哈佛的綜合評估申請評估流程裡,考試分數只是多個數據中的其中一項。在高中課內外的成就,包含社區的投入、工作、及幫助學生家庭都是我們評估的方向。因疫情而只能有限的參與活動的學生不會因此處於劣勢,學生因疫情而在上學期拿到 pass/fail 的成績也不會處於劣勢。



“Harvard College will allow students to apply for admission to the Class of 2025 without requiring standardized test scores. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has created insurmountable challenges in scheduling tests for all students, particularly those from modest economic backgrounds, and we believe this temporary change addresses these challenges.

Consistent with Harvard’s whole-person admissions process, standardized tests are only one factor among many.  Accomplishments in and out of the classroom during the high school years – including community involvement, employment, and help given to students’ families are considered as part of our process. However, students who find themselves limited in the activities they can pursue due to the current coronavirus outbreak will not be disadvantaged as a result, nor will students who are only able to present pass/fail grades or other similar marks on their transcripts this spring.

Students who do not submit standardized testing this coming year will not be disadvantaged in the application process. Their applications will be considered on the basis of what they have presented, and they are encouraged to send whatever materials they believe would convey their accomplishments in secondary school and their promise for the future.”

Harvard University. janniswerner | Getty Images

University of Pennsylvania (賓州大學)

賓州大學在 6/4 做了以下宣布:

“College Board 最近宣布不會提供 SAT 的在家考試版,考試場次也因為 COVID-19 而受嚴重影響。這些原因讓數以萬計的學生無法考 SAT。因此,賓州大學入學委員會不會要求 2020-21 的申請生提供 SAT/ACT 分數。不遞交 SAT/ACT 分數的學生不會處於劣勢,但國際生還是必須提供 TOEFL 或 IELTS 成績。考了 SAT/ACT,並且想提供給大學 SAT/ACT 成績的學生還是可以遞交成績。



“The College Board recently announced that an at-home version of the SAT will not be offered as planned. Meanwhile, the capacity for in-person examinations has been severely limited due to COVID-19 considerations. These combined factors will prevent thousands of students from taking the SAT exam. The scale of these challenges is unprecedented. With this in mind, Penn Admissions will not require the SAT or ACT for the 2020-21 first-year and transfer admissions cycles. Applicants who do not submit SAT or ACT scores will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process. For international students attending schools where English is not the language of instruction, we continue to require either the TOEFL or IELTS exam. Students who are able to take the SAT or ACT and wish to report them may continue with that plan.

Penn Admissions acknowledges the benefits and limitations built into standardized tests. Beyond the admissions process, test results help institutions guide and support enrolling students. We also know that a single examination does not capture the ability, preparation, and potential of all students in an equal way. For this reason, standardized testing has always been only one part of a larger review process that considers many factors, including the rigor of coursework and performance in these courses. Penn Admissions will continue to review students, on an individual basis, consistent with our belief in a comprehensive whole-person review process.”

University of Pennsylvania campus. pkujiahe | Getty Images

Yale University (耶魯大學)

耶魯大學在 6/12 做了以下宣布:

因應 COVID-19,耶魯大學將暫停要求申請學生遞交 SAT/ACT 分數。

這個改變是針對 2020-21 申請,2021 入學的學生。無法完成或不想遞交成績的學生不會因此處於劣勢。SAT 科目考分數不會納入 2020-21 申請季的考量。

這個一年的政策改變只適用在 2020-21 學年於高中畢業的學生,打算在 2022 年秋季或之後入校的轉學生還是要計畫在截止日期前考 SAT/ACT。



考 AP/IB 的學生可以自行呈報分數,對預計 2020 春季或夏季考這些考試的學生,學校不會期待學生有考試成績。


“In response to the widespread disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Yale Office of Undergraduate Admissions will temporarily suspend its requirement that first-year applicants submit results from the ACT or SAT.

 The change will be in effect during the 2020-2021 admissions cycle for applicants to the Class of 2025. Applicants who are unable to complete an exam or who choose not to report exam scores will not be disadvantaged in the selection process. As announced previously, SAT Subject Tests will not be considered during the 2020-2021 admissions cycle.  

This one-year policy change reflects the extraordinary circumstances that students, families, and educators are currently facing. This policy applies only to students graduating from secondary school in the 2020-2021 academic year. Transfer applicants and students who intend to apply for admission to enroll in fall 2022 or later should plan to complete the ACT or SAT by the appropriate deadlines.

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions remains committed to a whole-person review process that relies on experienced application readers and a committee of admissions officers, faculty, and deans to consider every applicant’s unique context and circumstances. This commitment extends to Yale’s evaluation of a student’s test scores, when available. For applicants who choose to send scores, the Admissions Committee will continue to view the scores within the context of the student’s entire file; to focus on the highest individual section scores for students who have completed the exam more than once; to accept self-reported scores for the purposes of evaluation; and to take context into account if a student has had limited or no opportunities to complete an exam.

Whether an applicant chooses to report standardized test results or not, the committee will pay close attention to a student’s high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and demonstrated academic drive and commitment. As always, the committee will make decisions with the best information available and with as much flexibility as possible to consider applicants from all backgrounds and experiences. 

Students who have completed AP Exams, IB Exams, or AICE Exams prior to submitting their applications may opt to self-report scores in the application, but there is no expectation that students enrolled in academic-year courses associated with any of these tests complete exams in spring or summer 2020.”

Yale University campus. Topic Images Inc. | Getty Images

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