上次我們分享了 25 堂值得參加、而且有大學學分的網課,也深度分析了為什麼 99.9% 在大學校園的暑期課是不值得參加的,這次我們來分享全美國含金量最高的 10 堂大學暑期課程及 2 個含金量非常高的暑期活動,並且在最後分析他們的共通點,學生才會知道如何分辨一個暑期課程的含金量是高還是低!
Category: High School
8 Things 10th Graders Must Do
Q: “Are International Students Required to Take U.S. History Classes in High School to Apply to American Colleges?”
Which colleges require high school students to take History classes? What should you do if you are an international student?
What To Do If Your GPA Is Bad
If you’re an upperclassman with a mediocre GPA, you might be worried about your chance of getting into your dream college. In this post, we offer some ways for you to mitigate the negative impact of bad grades at school as well as the steps to take proactively.
What Kind of Community Service Should I Do
Many high schools put a strong emphasis on community service and encourage their students to participate in campus-wide events to serve those in need. However, the purpose of community service is to understand how we, as high schoolers, can do our part and make our community better. Many students, especially in Asian countries, think they must do impressive large-scale projects–traveling to different cities and countries–so they can add these experiences to their college application and impress admissions officers. Sorry to break the news, but let me tell you why this could potentially jeopardize your chance of getting into your dream schools.
4 Early College Planning Steps (for 9th and 10th graders)
If you’re currently an underclassman, meaning a 9th and 10th grader, it’s certainly not too early to think about college. Whether you have thought about college or not, there is nothing wrong with starting early. Essentially, everything you do now in high school is to prepare yourself for the next four years. We have a few suggestions for you and would like to get you started on college planning today.
Weighted vs. Unweighted GPA
Let me say this first: when colleges consider your high school academic performance, it is never about that one number alone. Colleges look at your transcripts, which include all the classes you take and the scores you receive. They will see if you challenge yourself with higher-level (AP, IB, honors, etc.) courses to learn more about you as a student. Nevertheless, let’s talk about GPA, short for grade point average, weighted vs. unweighted GPA, and whether or not it matters.