
Editing Your College Essay: 5 Hurdles and How to Clear Them

You’ve finally finished a draft of your college essay. You’ve mined your experiences in and out of school, brainstormed and organized your thoughts, and crafted it all into a compelling narrative. Now it’s time to get down to the business of editing your college essay. You need to refine your draft, smooth over the rough edges, and polish it so it can shine. But how do you do that?

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Writing a Recommendation Letter for a Prestigious College: Example + Analysis from a Harvard University Recommendation (Share it With Your Recommender)

The quality of the recommendation letter can determine whether a student is accepted by the school.
Recommendation letter, interview, and counselor’s report are the only three ways universities can get to know students through a third party and understand what the student behind the cold application form look like. However, not every university has an interview. In addition, the school counselor cannot truly know every student, so it is less important for the student. However, almost every college requires at least one letter of recommendation, and it is an extremely important piece of information for colleges to evaluate students.

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完成大學申請可能很可怕。 在過去的四年高中,您已經做了很多事情,但是現在您必須將所有內容放到幾頁中,然後,您夢想中的學校的招生人員會用它來評估您的人格。 這篇文章分解了大學申請的最基本組成部分,應該用作發現大學應用程序令人困惑的學生和家長的一般指南。

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