UC Berkeley申請條件

UC Berkeley application requirement: How does Berkeley select students?

UC Berkeley is one of the schools in the University of California school system and often known as the “best” UC school. Tens of thousands of excellent students apply each year to become students at UC Berkeley, but only the selected few will get in. If you are interested in applying to UC Berkeley, you’ll need to know the requirements in the UC Berkeley application and methods Berkeley uses to select students.

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10 個最好的線上化學課程

化學是 STEM 裡面很廣泛的學科,相信大家也知道這門科目非常難,這時候線上化學課程可以提供學生或待業人士更多專業知識。但是網路上提供相關課程的網站有很多,每門課程都有不同的主題、費用跟教學方式,要怎麼找到好的課程呢?
這篇文章整理出 10 個最好的線上化學課程,有些是免費,有些需要花一些錢,希望對你有幫助。

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Writing a Recommendation Letter for a Prestigious College: Example + Analysis from a Harvard University Recommendation (Share it With Your Recommender)

The quality of the recommendation letter can determine whether a student is accepted by the school.
Recommendation letter, interview, and counselor’s report are the only three ways universities can get to know students through a third party and understand what the student behind the cold application form look like. However, not every university has an interview. In addition, the school counselor cannot truly know every student, so it is less important for the student. However, almost every college requires at least one letter of recommendation, and it is an extremely important piece of information for colleges to evaluate students.

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