
[乾貨] 托福口說第 2 題(Task 2)免費模板及範例,幫助你輕鬆拿滿分!

很多考生會覺得托福口說是整份托福考試中最難的,因為學生必須在 1 分鐘之內準備並說出答案,而且只有一次機會。這對不擅長說英文的亞洲學生來說是一個很大的壓力。

繼上次分享托福口說第 1 題模板後,很多人來敲碗,希望我們也可以分享第二題的模板和範例。話不多說,讓我們來看看要如何準備,以及有哪些答題技巧吧!

托福口說 Task 2 在考什麼?

托福口說第二題又稱為「Integrated speaking Task」(綜合口說題),題目通常需要先閱讀一段短文,內容多半圍繞在校園情況,像是提案或公告。閱讀文章有 50 秒的時間限制,考生需要在閱讀文章的同時做筆記,因為文章只會出現一次無法重新閱讀。


最後,你會看到一個題目,提示可能會要求你完成不同的任務。考生必須在 60 秒或更短的時間內完成這些任務,請注意,這並不代表你必須說滿 60 秒,而是只要能達成任務就可以。




The woman expresses her opinion of the proposed policy change. Briefly summarize the policy change. Then, state the woman’s opinion, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


  • 任務一:簡單總結(閱讀)
  • 任務二:描述說話者意見(聽力)
  • 任務三:解釋原因(閱讀+聽力)







University to Prohibit Bicycles on Campus

Beginning next semester, the University will not allow the use of bicycles on campus. The campus sidewalks are intended for pedestrians and receive heavy pedestrian traffic. Several minor accidents have resulted from people on bicycles colliding with people walking, and although no one has been seriously hurt, University officials feel that bicycles pose a safety risk. Furthermore, the prohibition of bicycles will not be a problem for students, since the university currently operates a convenient alternative: the free campus bus system, which runs between all campus buildings.


“Beginning next semester, the University will not allow the use of bicycles on campus.”

這個資訊就是你完成任務一「簡單總結」的關鍵,由於這句話會需要出現在你的答案中,因此我們強烈建議你把它寫下來。另外,這也是一個紀錄關鍵字詞的機會,例如你看到「not allow」時可能會聯想到「prohibit (禁止)」這個字。


  1. “bicycles pose a safety risk”
  2. “the prohibition of bicycles will not be a problem for students”






(man) Hey, Sue, did you see this article? 
(woman) Yeah, I did, and I don’t think that’s a very good idea.
(man) Really? You don’t think it’s a safety hazard like they said? 
(woman) No, at least not during the day. I’m pretty sure both of those accidents happened at night when it’s harder to see cyclists. They didn’t say that in the article 
(man) Oh, that does make a difference.
(woman) Sure, it does. Maybe at night with low visibility there’s a safety hazard but I don’t think there’s any danger in the daytime which is when most people need to move around and get to classes.
(man) Yeah, that makes sense.  
(woman) Besides, it’s such a big campus… if they do this, it’s going to be really hard to get around.
(man) Well, we could always take the bus, I guess.
(woman) But the buses only run once an hour.
(man) That’s true. They’re not very convenient.
(woman) No, not at all. If people have to take the bus, we’ll end up sitting around waiting for the next one all the time and we’re all too busy to waste our time doing that.

女性說話者的意見傳達得非常清楚:“I don’t think that’s a very good idea”。同時,她也對公告中的兩個原因做出反應,她並不同意自行車是一種安全隱患,至少在白天的時候不是如此;此外,她也不認為禁止學生騎自行車不會造成問題,這也是她堅持自己不同意觀點的原因。


接下來,你就會看到題目,並利用 30 秒的時間準備自己的回答。在這 30 秒內,你必須檢視自己剛才寫下來的筆記,然後標示先後回答順序,像是直接寫下數字 1、2、3。


Task One: Beginning next semester, the University will not allow the use of bicycles on campus… prohibit bicycles…
Task Two: She doesn’t think it’s a very good idea.
Task Three: Reasons
1. She disagrees that “bicycles pose a safety risk…”
2. She disagrees that “the prohibition of bicycles will not be a problem for students…”

有了上面這些基本資訊後,你應該就能掌握 task 2 任何一種問題版本。以下是在考試時,你可能會遇到各種版本的範例:

Version 1: The woman does not think the university’s policy change is a good idea. Explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Version 2: The woman expresses her opinion of the policy change. State the woman’s opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Version 3: The woman expresses her opinion of the proposed policy change. Briefly summarize the policy change. Then, state the woman’s opinion, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

重點來了,如果你希望在這一題獲得高分,那麼你一定要按照題目說的去做。例如,如果你要回答版本 1,你花了 30 秒闡述政策是如何改變和女性說話者的意見,那麼你就浪費了 30 秒;如果是版本 3,你則必須按照順序完整回答這三個問題,才有機會拿到高分。

假設你拿到的是版本 3 的題目,雖然沒有一個正確回答問題的架構,但只要按照問題出現的順序去思考你的答案就夠了。



架構:“According to the reading passage, [summary of the passage].”

例句:“According to the reading passage, the university is going to prohibit the use of bicycles on campus beginning next semester.”



架構: The woman [her opinion in her exact words]”

例句 1:The woman doesn’t think that it’s a very good idea
例句 2:The woman [thinks that it’s a very good idea…]”

請注意,這裡我們用「女性說話者」的句子來描述她的意見,“[doesn’t] think that it’s a very good idea”,寫下你所聽到的內容並把它說出來是最簡單的,因為你不需要考慮其他用詞,並且可以確定你的回應將能準確表達女性說話者的意見。如果你改變用詞,你可能會不小心改變了女性說話者的意見,造成分數降低。

很多時候,學生可能總是對每個回答使用“opposes”、“disagrees” 或 “contradicts” 等字詞。這可能是有風險的,因為女性說話者並不總是反對或不同意。

舉例,在這個題目中,說 “the woman contradicts” 是不對的,但是說 “the woman disagrees” 卻是正確的。因此,直接引用女性說話者使用的字詞是最安全的。


架構:The woman disagrees with/that [reason/benefit from the reading passage].

例句 1:First, she disagrees with the explanation presented in the reading passage…
例句 2:She also disagrees with the second point made in the passage…


口說 task 2 高分回答的範例


According to the reading passage, the university is going to prohibit the use of bicycles on campus beginning next semester. The woman doesn’t think that it’s a very good idea for two reasons. First, she disagrees with the explanation presented in the reading passage that bicycles pose a safety risk, at least during the day, although she did think that it might make sense at night because of lower visibility. She also disagrees with the second point made in the passage that the prohibition will not be a problem for students. In fact, she thinks that it will be a problem because, although there are buses on campus, there is only one bus per hour. This will be inconvenient for students and cause them to waste a lot of time waiting for buses.



我們建議學生多利用 TestAdmit 做免費的口說考題,透過免費的托福官方真題,學生可以體驗不同的托福口說題目,嘗試把我們提供的模板應用在自己的答案裡:


在正常情況下,我們不太推薦學生報名團體托福口說課,因為市面上的大班托福課內所上的內容可以被很多免費的 YouTube 口說教學課取代,另外,其實只要學生依照我們提供的模板多加練習,其實就可以得到非常大的進步了。

如果還是卡關不行的話,我們建議學生報名 Ivy-Way 的一對一托福口說精華課,針對學生口說的弱點對症下藥,正常情況下只需要 1-2 堂課就可以拿到口說的 25-28 分喔!


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