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对于那些申请大学的人来说,参加AP / IB课程可以极大地增加您的机会,因为这表明您愿意参加高中具有挑战性的大学水平课程。但是,选择的课程太多了,您的高中当然 没有提供所有AP / IB学科,或者没有为每个学生提供足够的名额。我们已编制了一份所有AP和IB课程的清单,希望它对您有帮助!
AP 科目
AP Art History
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Environmental Science
AP European History
AP French Language and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Government and Politics: Comparative
AP Government and Politics: United States
AP Human Geography
AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
AP Latin
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Music Theory
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 2
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Psychology
AP Research (Second part of the AP Capstone program)
AP Seminar (First part of the AP Capstone program)
AP Statistics
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
AP Studio Art: 3-D Design
AP Studio Art: Drawing
AP United States History
AP World History
IB 科目
要获得IB文凭,学生必须注册文凭课程(DP)并完成公认的知识论(TOK)的核心课程。他们还必须从所有6个组中选择一个班级,除非他们想用第1-4组中的 另一个班级来代替第6组(艺术)。
Group 1: Language & Literature
Language A: literature
Language A: language and literature
Literature and performance (SL only)
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Classical languages
Language B
Language ab initio (SL only)
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
Business management
Global Politics
Information technology in a global society
Social and cultural anthropology
World Religion (SL only)
Group 4: Science
Computer Science
Design Technology
Environmental systems and societies (SL only)
Sports, exercise and health science (SL only)
Group 5: Mathematics
Mathematical Studies SL (Math Studies)
Mathematics SL
Mathematics HL
Further Mathematics HL
Group 6: Arts
Visual Arts
一般而言,如果您对某个特定主题感兴趣并希望在整个学年内更深入地学习,则应该独立参加AP课程/学习,并于5月参加该学科的AP考试。如果您的学校提供了 为期两年的IB文凭课程,请充分利用它并通过进行研究来探索这些学科,并向以前的学生和老师寻求指导。毕竟,无论您是AP还是IB,您都希望表现出色,因为除了出色的 大学水平考试分数以外,没有什么能说服招生人员了。
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