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在美国的高中生涯里,学生必须从国中或高中就开始发掘自己的兴趣。透过课内或课外的上课或活动,学生必须开始发现自己的强项及兴趣,这样在申请大学的时候才可以很明确的跟大学说自己想读的方向,并且可以告诉大学自己过去相关的经历,而不是“我什么都没上过,所以我不知道”、“因为我爸妈叫我读化学,所以我就选择化学” 这种没说服力的答案。
1. 高中程度 (高中~大一)
- Introduction to chemistry
- Covalent bonds
- Balancing chemical equations
- Intermolecular forces
- Stoichiometry
- Chemical reactions introduction
- Electronegativity and bonding
- Introduction to the atom
- Atomic number, mass number, and isotopes
- Empirical, molecular, and structural formulas
- Chemical equivalence
- Shells, subshells, and orbitals
2. 大学初阶程度 (大一~大二)
- Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios
- Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and Solutions
- General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application
- Dense Gases, Liquids and Solids
- Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
- Principles of Biochemistry
- Structure of Materials
- MIT 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2014
3. 大学中阶程度 (大二~大三)
- Advanced Higher Course
- Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics
- Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy
- Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics
- Structure of Materials, Part 1: Fundamentals of Materials Structure
- Structure of Materials, Part 2: The Crystalline State
- Symmetry, Structure and Tensor Properties of Materials
4. 大学高阶程度 (大三~大四)
- Chem125: Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Capstone Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability
- From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Chemistry Perspective
- The Physics of Electronic Polymers (PEP)
- Synchrotrons and X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
- 5 种课程,让高中生从众多申请表中脱颖而出的秘诀!
- 【CS课程推荐】高中生可以上的77堂线上计算机科学课推荐
- 【工程课程推荐】高中生可以上的38堂线上工程学课程推荐
- 【生物课程推荐】高中生可以上的43堂线上生物课推荐
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